The very last refined sugar I ate was around 9.30pm on Sunday 31st Jan. I say are – it was actually a beer but mere semantics eh!
So that makes it roughly 36hrs. I’ve read that it takes approx 10 days for you to get over the sugar cravings and break the addiction and then really 3-4 weeks for your body to adjust to utilising fat over glycogen.
I popped out for a slow/gentle fasted 10km+ jog in nothing higher than heart rate zone 2 as I want to keep volumes up but also don’t want to run under-fuelled and impact on recovery and incur any injuries.
My sneaky feeling is that keeping 100% keto and avoiding refined simple sugars is going to be easy during the week but come the weekend that’s when the challenge really sets in – going through one weekend will take me past the 10 days and the hopefully it’ll be an easier ride from there!