One of the most devastating things for me personally about the COVID-19 pandemic and specifically it’s timing is that we had planned a spectacular trip to Dubai & The Maldives. A couple of things had aligned to make this particular trip happen:
- I’d got a significant paternity allowance that meant that we could holiday outside of the school breaks and could take 2-3 weeks at one time.
- I was lucky enough to have a little cash burning a hole in my pocket that wasn’t earmarked for other things
- Helen was coming to the end of her maternity so also wasn’t required at work
Subsequently all travel plans had indefinitely been put on hold (business and personal), so during that time I’ve decided to focus my efforts on refining my travel bucket-list. Now this could be an endless list of destinations, landmarks, and countries because travel is one of my greatest passions. However I wanted to focus it down to the ones that matter, so here it is in all it’s glory – I deliberately haven’t numbered!
- Valencia – Spain
- Greek Islands
- Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Maldives, Seychelles)
- Australia
- Monaco
- Prague
- Amalfi Coast
- French Polynesia
- Thailand
- Switzerland Mountains
Now some of these are easier to knock off than others, and perhaps could be a short break, but some of them are going to take significant planning and require commitment for long periods off work for example.